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When one or more teeth are missing, a Dental Bridge is an option to fill the gap between teeth. Teeth may fall out due to age, extracted because of severe decay or trauma, or even have been absent from the very beginning. Whatever the reason, missing teeth can be problematic when chewing, eating or talking as well as leaving an unsightly gap.

What kind of Bridges are available?

Bridges vary other than material are made depending on their design.

Traditional Bridge:

This is the most common type of bridge and it is used to replace missing teeth where there are healthy teeth on either side of the gap that are able to support a bridge between them. Both of these teeth will need to be reshaped and fitted with crowns before the bridge can be placed, to ensure they are strong enough to support the bridge.

Cantilever Bridge:

Cantilever Bridge is used when there is only one anchor tooth available to support the missing tooth or teeth. This bridge design is not recommended for use in the back of the mouth where too much bite force can be put on the abutment tooth. But it can work if it is designed well and if the cantilevered tooth is the front tooth.

Maryland Bridge:

Maryland Bridge is considered a conservative alternative to traditional bridge. This bridge consist of a porcelain unit that is held in place by a metal or porcelain framework. This framework is bonded onto the backs of the two teeth adjacent to the missing tooth. Since this type of bridge is not held in place by crowns the advantage compared to traditional bridge is that the adjacent teeth do not need to be shaped.

While Maryland Bridge is more conservative than Traditional Bridge, it does have its downsides. The strength of the bridge is limited by the strength of the resin that holds it in place, so it may not stay in place in areas of the mouth where the teeth are subjected to a lot of biting force, like the molars.

What are the advantages of a Dental bridge?

It is much more secure and stronger than Denture. It is also permanently fixed and therefore more stable when chewing, as well as being more comfortable.

How long does a Dental bridge last?

A Dental bridge should last for many years as long as it is cared for like you would your normal teeth.

Are any other options to replace missing teeth?

An alternative to replacing missing teeth are Dental Implants or Partial Dentures. Your dentist will advise you on the most appropriate solution for you.


To find out more about dental bridges or to book an appointment at Krystal Dental call 020 8995 6398 or email to dentist@krystaldental.co.uk